Equal opportunities




Equal Opportunities Representative

Prof. Dr. Doris Breuer

Institut für Planetenforschung,
DLR Berlin



Dr. Thomas Haber

Institut für Mineralogie,
Uni Münster


Philipp Kreielkamp

Institut für Geophysik,
Uni Münster


Elfrun Lehmann

Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften,
FU Berlin


Prof. Dr. Lena Noack

Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften,
FU Berlin


Dr. Sabrina Schwinger

Institut für Planetenforschung,
DLR Berlin


All participating institutions of TRR 170 consider equal opportunities and gender equality as important strategic objective to support its members in their successful research and career. To achieve gender mainstreaming the implementation of equal opportunities for women and men follows clearly defined criteria and goals. The TRR 170 takes this approach into account on all decision levels and within all its members.

The Genderpanel supports the TRR 170 in its commitment to promoting equal working opportunities to all of its members. In particular, the TRR 170 strives to increase the number of female scientists. The low number of female researchers in planetary science needs to be increased.

Gender Equality & Family-Friendly Measures

Funds for gender equality and family-friendly measures were used to provide home office equipment to doctoral students who became parents (1 doctoral student and a postdoc in Berlin and a postdoc in Münster). Work at home allowed early career scientists who became parents to work on their projects outside of office hours and when daycare was not available. At Uni Münster, a part of TRR 170 funds allocated for these purposes were provided to a central account for gender equality measures. The measures supported by this central account include coaching and childcare as well as workshops on mentoring and collegial advice. The bundling of funds makes it possible to provide a greater variety of measures and promotes the networking of participants from different coordinated projects.

Fostering gender awareness. In order to support females to gain leading positions in science, awareness of how females think and act in career issues is important. Therefore, gender awareness workshops are planned for the third funding period and participation will be for all TRR 170 members. Furthermore, the TRR 170 website will inform about gender and family-friendly activities, and gender awareness and provide a best-practice manual.

The TRR 170 has adjusted its governance structure to include a Gender & Family panel because of increasing awareness of gender equality issues and how to reconcile career and family, particularly for early career researchers. In the current funding period, the Gender & Family panel supported several gender equality and family-friendly measures. It informed TRR 170 members about upcoming events that concern gender and family issues as well as inviting female
scientists to talk about their scientific careers and specific challenges they have encountered throughout their careers.

Summary of activities to measures of gender equality and family-friendliness







Jan 19

Awareness measure

Series ‘Women in science‘ #3, guest: Prof. Carmen Sanchez-Valle, Institut für Mineralogie, Uni Münster




Oct 4-8


Summer School, Braunschweig, support of two female doctoral students by family helpers

May 5

Gender equality awareness

Workshop at the Annual Retreat, Potsdam, “MAKE IT VISIBLE: UNCONSCIOUS BIAS”, coach Rea Eldem, invisible, Berlin

May 12

Gender equality awareness

Series ‘Women in science‘ #2, guest: Prof. Veronique Dehant, Royal Observatory of Belgium





Gender equality awareness

Series ‘Women in science‘ #1, guest: Dr. Yogita Kadlag, University Bern

Apr 20

Career advancement of female scientists

Seminar ‘Game of Power’, coach Marion Knaths (sheboss, Hamburg)

Nov, 25

Family and career


'Picture a Scientist' movie event and panel discussion at the cinema Schloßtheater Münster in cooperation with WWU Geosciences, moderation: Jana Jansen (Berlin)

June 17, 18, 20

Career development

WWU Münster

Workshop ‘Becoming visible: Modern science communication’, coach

Uschi Heidel (TRIO Service)

Apr 29 & May 6

Career development

WWU Münster

Workshop ‘Project management‘, coach Tanja Bastian (Bielefeld)



Gender funds cover expenses for gender equality and family-friendly measures such as:

  • Home offices for doctoral students who became parents. A home office allows young parents to work on their project off-office hours and when daycare is not available.
  • Nanny services when regular day-care hours do not cover time at seminars and work-related meetings.
  • Trainer to conduct training workshops, i.e. at the I-Scientist conference in May 2018 (at FU Berlin). IScientist is a conference on gender, career paths, and networking for and by students and young researchers in STEM science.
  • Workshops on mentoring (Uni Münster). At Uni Münster, funds were provided to a central account for gender equality measures. The bundling of funds makes it possible to provide a greater variety of measures and promotes the networking of participants from different coordinated projects.

    For upcoming workshops please check the Events section.